Ukraine, Dambruoso: “Risk of ‘false flags’, but no direct connection with any Isis attacks”

“I do not believe, as analysts argue, that there is a direct link between any terrorist attacks in Europe and the war in Ukraine. The most significant ISIS attacks occurred in the last month in Israel, but there was no connection with the war in Ukraine, and this happened despite the fact that there could be possible evaluations of links with Putin’s use of Hezbollah in the war in Ukraine. However, conclusive evaluations linked to the typical dissensions and internal conflicts in Israel prevailed “. This was stated to Adnkronos by Stefano Dambruoso, a magistrate and expert on international terrorism. “I would say that today the key word is moderation. Analysts express opinions of moderation on the risk of ISIS attacks in Europe. There are those who argue that there could be a residual form, that there could be the risk of ‘false flags ‘, – explained Dambruoso – in practice of the attacks with formal claims by terrorist groups, therefore also Isis, but which in fact could be desired by the Russians and punitive against the countries that supported the anti-Russian action in the war in Ukraine , I am thinking of Italy, France and England. So although there is a risk of false flags in Europe this summer, I do not believe that the state has any links with the war in Ukraine and I also believe that moderation in evaluations is appropriate “. “Objectively, the intelligence activity, that is of those who are in charge of preventing possible attacks in European countries, is not distracted by the Ukraine affair, given that this has its own focus and specificity. However, terrorism remains very active, there is no lowering of attention against possible activities of terrorist groups or cells in Europe “, concluded Dambruoso.