Deliveroo fined 375,000 euros for “hidden work”

The Paris Criminal Court sentenced the meal delivery platform to a fine of 375,000 euros, and two former leaders to a one-year suspended prison sentence. Article written by Published on 04/19/2022 14:04 Updated on 04/19/2022 14:47 Reading time: 1 min. New legal setback for Deliveroo. The meal delivery company and two of its former leaders were sentenced on Tuesday April 19 by the Paris Criminal Court for having employed thousands of delivery people under the status of independent workers, when they should have been employees. The platform, which had already been sentenced in 2020 for “concealed work”, was fined 375,000 euros, the maximum sentence required by the prosecution. It will also have to post a message of condemnation for a month on its site. Two former managing directors were sentenced to a one-year suspended prison sentence, and a former operations director to a four-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 10,000 euros. A Deliveroo spokesperson said the platform was “considering” an appeal. More than a hundred delivery men had filed a civil action for this first criminal trial of “uberization”. The prosecutor had affirmed that Deliveroo had set up “an instrumentalization and a diversion of the regulation of work”, with the aim of organizing a “systemic concealment” of delivery jobs. According to her, many elements revealed a relationship of subordination between the company and its deliverers, characteristics of an employee relationship: very precise rules on the way of delivering, choice of routes, checking that the deliverers got up in the morning. .. Other delivery companies have chosen to employ their deliverers under salaried contract, but Just Eat has decided to lay off a third of its deliverers hired on permanent contracts because of the economic difficulties. Deliveroo was also ordered to pay 50,000 euros in damages to each of the five unions that had filed civil suits for “moral damage”: CGT, Union Solidaires, Sud commerces et services, Sud commerces et services Ile-de -France and Syndicate of light transport. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link