Cristiana Matano Award, a training course for students in Lampedusa

First stage of approach to the seventh edition of “Lampedus’Amore – Cristiana Matano International Journalism Award”, scheduled from 8 to 10 July in Lampedusaa. From tomorrow to April 22, Lampedusa will host, “after the positive experiences of the past years”, the journalistic training project aimed at the first and second grade secondary schools of Lampedusa and Linosa of the Luigi Pirandello Omnicomprensivo Institute. “Lampedus’amore” brings together every year moments of entertainment, music, sport and reflection in the memory of Cristiana Matano, the journalist from Campania but Sicilian by adoption, who died prematurely in 2015. “The proven project, in synergy with the teaching staff, will be held by professional journalists Marina Turco, TGS News manager, and Filippo Mulè, president of the Occhiblu onlus Association, with the remote contribution of some personalities of culture and journalism, and will aim to introduce students to the world of information – reads a note – At the end of the course the students, with the help of their teachers, will proceed to write an article of about 30 lines on the topics addressed during the seminar. The papers will be evaluated by the teachers and curator journalists of the project: the best will be awarded on 10 July, during the evening in Piazza Castello, in which the Cristiana Matano journalistic prizes will be awarded ” . The course will take place according to the following program: Tomorrow we will talk about journalism and its fundamental principles. “The importance of correct information in a democratic country and the danger of fake news. The fight against the mafia and the high price paid by Sicilian journalists (connection with the journalist Giulio Francese)”. The 21st of April of Journalism and legality. “The massacres, the maxi-trial, the story of those who lived in the front row that season and of those who were there at the time of Chinnici, Falcone and Borsellino (connection with Giovanni Paparcuri, driver of the armored cars during the years of the massacres, and the journalist Salvatore Cusimano) “. On April 22 Journalism and the mafia phenomenon today, the reorganization of the Cosa Nostra, the scourge of lace and the cultural revolution provided by the movements for social justice (connection with the Conticello family, owners of the Antica Focacceria San Francesco, and the journalist Salvo Palazzolo). While there is time until May 31 to participate in the “Cristiana Matano International Journalistic Award” (the announcement is on the website, the Occhiblu Association continues to receive works on the theme chosen this year: “Lampedusa, the Mediterranean and the border lands: stories of life, hopes and beauties at the time of the pandemic “. Finally, a preview of the new edition: “Lampedus’Amore” will host the message of peace of the violinists Oleksandr Semchuk and Ksenia Milas, he Ukrainian, she Russian, husband and wife in life and couple also in art. From their violins a music for peace.