Coronavirus in Slovakia: 704 cases and 14 deaths –

19. Apr 2022 at 10:01 I Updated at 11:18 There are currently 1,276 patients with covid in hospitals. BRATISLAVA. PCR tests confirmed 704 coronavirus infections in Slovakia on Monday. The laboratories evaluated 3,331 samples. The article continues under video advertising The article continues under video advertising The National Center for Health Information (NCZI) informs about it. The health professionals also performed 1,105 antigen tests, 88 of them were positive. Nové Zámky – 36 Košice – 34 The most positive tests were in the Bratislava region, PCR tests detected 174 positive cases. In the Nitra region, 111 positive cases were detected, in the Trenčín region 107, in the Žilina region 84, in the Prešov region 74, in the Trnava region 66, in the Košice region 63, in the Banská Bystrica region 25. Another 14 patients died of Covid-19 disease. The coronavirus pandemic in Slovakia claimed 19,773 victims. 1,276 patients are hospitalized. There are 109 patients with covid in the JIS, 34 people need the help of lung ventilation.