Ukrainian war, Lavrov: “New phase at the start, excluding the use of nuclear weapons”

A “new phase” of the Russian “special operation” in Ukraine is beginning. This was confirmed by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, referring to the offensive in the Donbass. “A new phase of this operation is beginning and I am sure it will be a very important moment of the whole special operation”, Lavrov told India Today, reiterating that the operation of the Russian forces aims “at the complete liberation of the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk “. Read also Lavrov then stressed that Russia is not considering the possibility of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. “Only conventional weapons”, Lavrov replied when asked if Russia was considering the hypothesis of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. “The real reason” for the war in Ukraine lies in the fact that Western countries have “violated promises to the Russian leadership and began to move NATO eastward after the demise of the Soviet Union “, claiming it was” a defensive alliance and not a threat to our security. “According to the head of diplomacy in Moscow, the current situation in Ukraine is a direct result of the desire of the United States and the West to dominate the world. “Current events originate in the United States and in the West’s desire to rule the world. They wanted to show the world that there would be no multipolarity, only unipolarity, and they created a springboard (Ukraine, ed) against us at our borders. They pumped weapons into Ukraine. “