Mysterious hepatitis children, Ecdc: “Other cases in Europe”

The alarm is spreading in Europe for cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin affecting children. “Other cases have been reported in Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain.” This was underlined by an update of the ECDC, European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, following reports from the UK Health Security Agency. To date, approximately 70 cases have been reported in the United Kingdom. “In addition – highlights the report – 9 cases of acute hepatitis have been reported among children between the ages of 1 and 6 in Alabama (USA) who also tested positive for adenovirus”. The Ecdc recall that “investigations are underway in all the countries that have reported cases” but “at the moment the exact cause of these hepatitis remains unknown”. In the UK, the most affected country to date, the UK Health Security Agency’s team of experts highlighted that “no link has been identified between the cases and the Covid-19 vaccine” and “detailed information on the cases. collected through a questionnaire on food, drink and personal habits, they failed to identify any common exposure among children “. Furthermore, “most of the cases did not have a fever, some required treatment in specialized pediatric liver units and a few underwent liver transplantation”.