Presidential 2022: Valérie Pécresse has already raised 1.4 million euros after her call for donations – Le Figaro

INFO LE FIGARO – A call for donations was launched a week ago to allow the unsuccessful candidate in the first round to repay 7 million euros in loans. The operation should last until May 15. 1.4 million euros. This is the amount collected so far by Valérie Pécresse since the call for donations launched a week ago to enable her to meet her loans. After having collected 4.78% of the votes in the 1st round, the right-wing candidate found herself unable to obtain public reimbursements, granted from 5% of the vote. Read also “Pécressethon”: between mockery and compassion Christian Jacob, president of the Republicans, had signed a letter Thursday, inviting members of the movement to make a gesture in favor of Valérie Pécresse. According to LR calculations, if each voter in the 1st round who chose a Pécresse ballot agrees to donate 3 euros on average, the candidate will have the means to cope. They were 1,679,001 million to have chosen it on April 10. “There is a strong surge of support, but the account is not there yet”, confided the entourage of Valérie Pécresse Monday morning. Read alsoValérie Pécresse, from the dream of the new France to the erasure of the right Several figures of the LR party are trying to mobilize donors by launching appeals on social networks as Senator Bruno Retailleau does (#donnonspourlademocratie) or the mayor of Cannes David Lisnard. The collection of donations should continue until May 15 with one objective: to collect 7 million euros. * SEE ALSO – Rhetoric of defeat: we analyzed the speeches of Mélenchon, Pécresse and Zemmour