Faced with inflation, a mixed Black Friday in the United States

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Friday, in the United States, was held the traditional Black Friday. For a few days, American consumers had access to products at bargain prices. But this year, inflation and the economic consequences of the Covid-19 crisis seem to have mitigated the scale of the event. Reporting.

Every year after Thanksgiving, the United States is seized with a traditional shopping spree. For good reason, this period also marks that of Black Friday, this long-awaited Friday when prices are sold off in all shops. This year, however, it seems to have generated less enthusiasm among buyers.

“We are much more careful about what we spend,” admits a client with France 24. “Because of inflation, everything is more expensive.”

“A lot of people are tightening their belts this year,” says a third. “Because of inflation, of course.”

“Times are really tough,” she insists. “It’s just difficult, for example in the real estate industry…”

With Black Friday, American economic life thus has an effective observatory. And for now, that seems to confirm the timidity of the US recovery.

Online shopping is doing well

If the Covid-19 crisis and inflation at 6.2% have reduced the number of visitors to certain shops, this does not seem to affect the growth of e-commerce and online shopping.

“There is a trend towards e-commerce. The majority of people today favor online commerce,” assures a third client. “It’s easier and more comfortable.”

For John Jacobs, a young entrepreneur in the field of e-commerce, the sector thus offers promising prospects. “This is quite simply the most important selling time of the year,” he explains.

“More generally, between 2019 and 2020 we have seen exceptional growth. We have gone from just under 13% of e-commerce to a trend that will be around 20 or 22% this year.

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