Climate, Biden: “This is a decisive decade”

To combat climate change “this is the decisive decade”. Thus the American president Joe Biden, speaking at COP 26 in Glasgow. “The eyes of history are upon us. And the question is simple. Will we take action? Will we do what is necessary? Will we be able to seize the huge opportunity before us? Or will we condemn the next generations to suffer? This is the decade that will determine the answer. “, It reaffirmed. Read also To fight climate change “the US has not only returned to the table, but leads by example”, added Biden, adding that the fight against climate change “is about jobs: workers will build the next generation of electric vehicles. Farmers will use the soil to fight global warming. “” The science is clear: we need to raise our ambitions. ” To combat climate change “this is the decisive decade. We can maintain the goal of 1.5 degrees” of global warming compared to pre-industrial levels “if we work together”.