Nepi Molineris: “The practice of sport must be a right for everyone and not a personal achievement”

“Sports practice is not and must not represent a personal achievement, or an individual goal, but an equal right for everyone”. This was strongly reiterated by the Director General of Sport and Health Diego Nepi Molineris in his speech at the International Conference on Sustainable and Accessible Sports Facilities which is taking place in Prague, as part of the activities relating to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union and in view of the launch of the European Week of Sport – BeActive, scheduled from 23 to 30 September. In the panel on “Equal access to sports facilities”, Nepi Molineris illustrated the company’s activities as part of the “Sport di Tutti” project – the sports and social intervention model that guarantees the right to sport for all – best practice from which to start for the creation of a continuous and concrete virtuous system. “‘Sport for All’ – said Nepi Molineris during his speech – is not just an intense action to propagate the right to practice sports, but a strong message that aims to call upon everyone’s collaboration in the creation of a ‘sport planet’ without barriers or geographical borders. That ‘Tutti’ has a profound meaning for Sport and Health and does not refer only to the promotion of sport in the complexity of the Italian territory, but to the integrated internationalization and the concrete and constant collaborative support between the countries of European Union”. The dg of Sport and Health explained to the protagonists of the sport of the EU countries how ‘Sport di Tutti’ has foreseen an integrated program of interventions equal to 527 million euros for the two-year period 2022-24, of which 510 million for the ‘Sport and Periferie ‘and related interventions for the recovery and redevelopment of sports facilities in the suburbs: 7 million for’ Sport in the Parks’, the development of new models of outdoor sports in public green areas and the redevelopment of existing structures, 10 million for “Inclusion and Neighborhoods”, with the creation of sporting and educational ‘islands’ in ‘difficult’ territorial contexts, with projects aimed at social inclusion for vulnerable categories. “It is only and only with real teamwork and in total synergy with all the Sports Organizations that you can really make a difference, drawing a new horizon, finally the same for ‘Everyone.’ It is important that the EU support the ‘sport planet’ through the development of the development of an integrated plan that includes objectives, measures, financial support, monitoring, reporting and sharing of best practices “, concluded the CEO of Sport and Health.

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