Juve ko with Milan, Pirlo and Ronaldo in the crosshairs on social media

Juve monopolizes the trends on social media after the heavy home knockout against Milan that causes the Bianconeri to slide out of the Champions League zone. From ‘Pirlo’ to ‘Agnelli’ to ‘Ronaldo’, there are many trending hashtags on Twitter regarding the Juventus club after the debacle against the Rossoneri. There are those who call for an exit from the scene of the sporting director Fabio Paratici with an eloquent ‘ParaticiOut’ and who among criticisms and ironies relies on ‘Maestro’ to talk about Pirlo. And, of course, there are those hoping for a return to the past with the ‘Allegri’ logo. “#pirlolandia is an amusement park where Juve pays for tickets and their opponents have fun”, writes VujadIn Boskov, a profile that pays tribute to the coach with ironic phrases on football news. Others recall Pirlo’s negative record on the Juventus bench: “Andrea Pirlo is the first coach in the history of #Juventus capable of losing two 0-3 games at home in the same season (in the previous 92 years of Serie A, Juve he had only lost eight) “; “Dybala in 10 minutes did more than all the others put together in 80 but Pirlo rightly decided to keep him on the bench, a master stroke for the Maestro”, are some of the tweets concerning the Juventus coach. But Pirlo is not the only ‘totem’ to end up in the dock. The people of the black and white web this time do not spare even Cristiano Ronaldo. “It must also be said that Mr. Davide Calabria, now the best Italian full-back, spent the evening walking on the remains of Chiesa and a certain Cristiano Ronaldo. So, to say …”, points out a fan. “From here the decline started”, writes another user posting the presentation photo of CR7 at Juve. And again: “The real failure was throwing two years to the wind after looking for a renewal that in fact never took place. Without the Champions League and with one less Ronaldo, the cancellation would be total. Yet change from season to season. course could fix things. You didn’t “; “A well-deserved blow. A team without a soul, without a game and without balls. Just stay out of the Champions zone; via Pirlo, Ronaldo and those half players not worthy to wear the black and white jersey. Congratulations to Milan, a deserved victory.” Of one thing, many fans seem convinced: with Juve out of the Champions League, the Portuguese would be among the first to pack their bags.