Covid vaccine, booking and stop age groups: news 3 June, what changes

Anti Covid vaccine, reservations open to all and stop age groups, June 3 is another important date for Italy – from Lombardy to Sicily, from Tuscany to Campania, from Liguria to Veneto – on the front of the fight against the pandemic . From today, in fact, as announced in recent days by the extraordinary commissioner for the coronavirus emergency Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, “the Regions and autonomous provinces will be given the opportunity to open up to all classes following the plan, using all the administration points, even those business “. This means that ” vaccination will be open to everyone from 3 June, you have to book and you can vaccinate anywhere, including pharmacies and companies, so the vaccine arrives at your front door. You just need to know how to look for it and book “said the Undersecretary of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri.” There will also be facilities open on particular days of the week when it will be possible to go and get the vaccine and therefore we will reach the numbers we promised very soon ” , Sileri added. “From June 3, the registry restrictions that guided us no longer exist but the absolute priority remains to put the most vulnerable people in conditions – explained the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza – In some regions this opportunity is already being offered to the graduates but for a few more weeks we have to cover all unvaccinated people over 60. “And yesterday he recalled on Facebook:” From tomorrow everyone will be able to book the anti-Covid vaccine. We can still accelerate our campaign to get through this difficult season. Happy Republic Day to all “.
In the meantime, while vaccination initiatives are multiplying throughout the country, with open days and open weeks (as in Lazio with the Astrazeneca open week for over 18 until Sunday 6 June) news are arriving on the front of the administration to children. Aifa on May 31 approved the extension of indication of use of the Comirnaty vaccine (BioNTech / Pfizer) for the age group between 12 and 15 years, fully accepting the opinion expressed by the European Medicines Agency (Ema). According to the Technical-Scientific Commission of Aifa “the available data demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the vaccine also for subjects included in this age group”. “In June we will give the shoulder with over 20 million vaccines on the way” said Commissioner Figliuolo, adding that “for the 12-15 age group, over two million children, we must rely on free choice pediatricians”. According to what emerges from an Emg-Different / Adnkronos survey, seven out of ten Italians are in favor of the vaccine for adolescents. Here is the latest news from the Veneto regions – Governor Luca Zaia spoke of June 3 as a “historic day”. “At midnight and a moment on June 3, the Veneto Region opens the agendas for the over 12 years old” announced the president of the Region. Friuli Venezia Giulia – “Tomorrow will be an important day, because with the opening of the agendas also to people between the ages of 16 and 39 we expect the vaccination campaign in Friuli Venezia Giulia to undergo a strong acceleration. Given that 50 thousand under 40s have already received the vaccine because they are included in the priority categories, in that age group there are about 220 thousand subjects who can get vaccinated, to whom the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be reserved “declared yesterday the governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, and the deputy governor Riccardo Riccardi. Piedmont – Today the administration of vaccines begins in the companies of the production sector that have adhered to the invitation of the Piedmont Region. Also from today all young people between 16 and 29 years old will be able to enter pre-accession on Lombardy – Starting from 11pm yesterday, citizens between the ages of 12 and 29 can also book the anti-Covid-19 vaccination through the dedicated portal. Emilia Romagna – From Monday 7 June we start, as indicated by the national commissioner structure, with the reservation for all those who until now had not yet been able to request vaccination: by Friday 18 June all Emilia-Romagna between 12 and 39 years (i.e. those born between 2009 and 1982) will be able to book their vaccination. Tuscany – “I have been waiting for months to be able to say these words: from Monday 7 June all Tuscans who have turned 16 will be able to book their vaccine!” announced the president of the regional council of Tuscany, Antonio Mazzeo, on Facebook. Vaccine also for those who get married. A phone call will be enough for those who are getting married to book the anti Covid vaccine. Marche – Yesterday, Wednesday 2 June, in the Marche region, the ‘Vax Days’ for upper fifth grade students called to take the final exams began. Five days of vaccinations, from Wednesday 2 to Sunday 6 June, without reservation, in the vaccination points identified by the Region. Abruzzo – The Post Office platform for booking anti Covid 19 vaccinations reserved for all citizens over 16 years of age will be active from 2 pm today 3 June. Umbria – From Monday 31 May, citizens aged between 16-29 (born between 1992 and 2005) can join the anti Covid vaccination. Lazio – “First day of the open week over 18 Astrazeneca Festa della Repubblica. The places available are all sold out and will be implemented for the days of Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 June, always with a virtual ticket on the ufirst app. Tickets will be issued at starting tomorrow Thursday, June 3 “announced the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato. Campania – Starting yesterday evening at 10 pm, the platform for joining the vaccination campaign is also open to citizens of the Campania region aged 12 and over. For the age group 12-17 the vaccine that will be administered is Pfizer. Puglia – From today 3 June at 2 pm those born between 1982 and 1986 can book vaccination on the portal, in pharmacies affiliated with the FarmaCup system and on the toll-free number 800713931. In fact, the vaccination campaign starts in stages for people aged 39 to 16. Calabria – From 3 June, the age groups entitled to anti Covid vaccination are also extended in Calabria. Specifically, from 4 pm all people from 12 years of age will be able to access the booking, including those in their twenties and over 30s who were waiting to be inserted. From age 12 to 16, Pfizer will be administered. Sicily – Bookings for anti Covid vaccinations for those aged between 16 and 39 are also starting in Sicily from today 3 June. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be used and, on a voluntary basis, also Vaxzevria and Janssen (single-dose). Sardinia – Sardinia is preparing for mass immunization of the entire population over 16 (citizens born in 2004 and those born in previous years). From Friday 4 June the number of vaccinable subjects on the island has expanded with the inclusion of citizens in the 16-39 age group.

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