Covid Lazio: today 1,007 infections, 500 in Rome. Rt at 0.9. The data

There are 1,007 new coronavirus infections in Lazio according to data from today’s bulletin, May 6. There are another 39 deaths. The cases in Rome city are at 500, the Rt index is at 0.9. “Today out of over 19,000 swabs in Lazio (+2,232) and over 18,000 antigenic for a total of over 37,000 tests, there are 1,007 positive cases (+169), 39 deaths and +2,375 cured. Cases are increasing, deaths and intensive care are stable, while hospitalizations are decreasing. The ratio between positives and swabs is 5%, but if we also consider the antigenic, the percentage drops to 2% “, says the councilor for health and social and health integration of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato. “Yesterday – he adds – in Lazio we rose to over 48,000 daily doses of vaccines, the marathon continues and we remain at altitude. From 11 May we have risen to over 50,000 doses per day. The Rt value is 0.9 and the occupancy rates hospitals are within the threshold, the incidence decreases to 123 per 100 thousand inhabitants “. There are currently 38,791 Covid-19 positive in Lazio, of which 2,007 are hospitalized, 265 in intensive care and 36,519 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 282,492 have been healed, 7,835 deaths and the total number of cases examined is 329,118.