Pfizer, “ok doses under 12 possible by early 2022”

Pfizer and BioNTech predict that the results of tests on their Covid Comirnaty vaccine in children under 12, in the age group between 6 months and 11 years, “will be available in the second half of 2021. If safety and immunogenicity “of the product” will be confirmed, pending agreement and approval by regulatory agencies, we hope to receive authorization for the vaccination of children by the beginning of 2022 “. This is the estimate of the American Pfizer, which together with the German BioNTech developed Comirnaty. Read also The company recalls that Pfizer and BioNTech administered “in March 2021 the vaccine to the first healthy children in a global phase 1/2/3 study, to further evaluate its safety, tolerability and immunogenicity in children aged 6 and older. months to 11 years “.