Vaccini Italia, over 29 million doses. And almost ‘world podium’

Over 29 million doses of covid vaccines administered in Italy. This is what the commissioner structure for the coronavirus emergency, led by General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, announces. In particular, to date there are 29,035,337 doses of vaccine inoculated.

Italy is fourth in the world for vaccine doses administered per 100 people. According to ‘Our World in Data’, which takes into account data updated as of May 19 from the 30 largest countries in the world, 47.73 doses per 100 inhabitants have been administered in our country. Better than us, only the United Kingdom did with 85.23 doses (data from May 18), the United States with 82.91 doses, and Germany with 49.55 doses (data from May 18). Italy, as of May 19, of the total population, 32.94% had received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 15.28% were completely immunized. By verifying the data from the Ministry of Health, it also appears that the total doses administered were 28,859,336.