Covid today Tuscany, 541 infections and one death: 4th September bulletin

In Tuscany there are 541 new coronavirus infections today, Sunday 4 September 2022. This was reported by the Region’s Covid bulletin. 832 molecular swabs and 4,726 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 9.7% were positive. The currently positive are 80,427 today, -0.6% compared to yesterday. There are 239 hospitalized (11 fewer than yesterday), of which 8 in intensive care (1 fewer). Today there is 1 new death: a 92-year-old man. New cases are 0.04% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.1% and reached 1,288,567 (93.4% of total cases). The following are the cases of positivity in the area with the change compared to yesterday (144 confirmed with molecular swab and 397 by rapid antigenic test). There are 376,903 total cases to date in Florence (89 more than yesterday), 92,535 in Prato (28 more), 108,685 in Pistoia (47 more), 69,263 in Massa (50 more), 147,345 in Lucca (70 more), 160,070 in Pisa (62 more), 124,793 in Livorno (59 more), 124,814 in Arezzo (56 more), 98,907 in Siena (39 more), 75,789 in Grosseto (41 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions.At 12.00 today a total of 9,062,585 vaccinations were carried out, 487 more than yesterday (+ 0%), bearing in mind that the Companies of the Regional Health System continue for the whole day. Tuscany is the 8th region for% of doses administered over those delivered (98.9% of the 9,163,204 delivered), for a vaccination rate of 245,408 per 100 thousand inhabitants (Italian average: 237,014 per 100 thousand). The average age of 541 new positives today is approximately 53 years (9% are under 20, 13% between 20 and 39, 32% between 40 and 59, 31% between 60 and 79, 13% have 80 years or more) There are 173 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 232 in the North West, 136 in the South East. Tuscany is in 10th place in Italy in terms of number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with about 37,360 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (Italian average about 37,013 x100,000, yesterday’s figure). The provinces of notification with the highest rate are Lucca with 38,375 cases x100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 38,296, Livorno with 37,931, the lowest Grosseto with 34,790. Overall, 80,188 people are in isolation at home, as they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital care, or are symptom-free (470 fewer than yesterday, 0.6%). People admitted to beds dedicated to COVID patients today there are a total of 239 (11 less than yesterday, minus 4.4%), 8 in intensive care (1 less than yesterday, minus 11.1%). The total people healed are 1,288,567 (1,021 more than yesterday, plus 0.1%): 0 people clinically healed (stable compared to yesterday), that is, who became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 1,288,567 (1,021 more than yesterday, plus 0.1%) declared healed in all respects, the so-called viral healings, with negative swab. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased person is in Lucca.