Milan, Brothers of Italy election banquet damaged – Video

Digos is dealing with the damage to the Fratelli d’Italia gazebo vandalized today in Milan in Viale Papiniano while some members of the party were making electoral propaganda. According to initial information gathered by the police, people with “their heads covered by hoods and their faces covered by masks” came into action and broke part of the mobile structure, but “did not attack anyone”. By the time the agents arrived, the group had already fled. “The attack this morning at an electoral banquet by the Brothers of Italy in via Papiniano, in Milan, is the result of the shameful hate campaign that the Democratic Party is carrying out against the center-right, and in particular the Brothers of Italy” he comments the regional councilor Riccardo De Corato, former councilor for security of the Lombardy Region and candidate for the Chamber of Deputies. “Even the mayor, Sala, yesterday recalled his anti-fascist slogans – continues De Corato – but the mayor, instead of expressing a ‘ hypocritical and painful solidarity, he should denounce the aggressors, that is the anti-globalists, the same ones who illegally occupy the buildings of the city, municipal and otherwise, and who, last August, feasted happily, and undisturbed, under the windows of Palazzo Marino, in piazza della Scala, in one of their probably illegal parties. “” This morning’s episode is part of what the mayor proudly calls ‘Milan model’ “conc lude De Corato.