Rainy weekend, but sun and heat return from Monday

Umbrellas open in this first weekend of September but already from Monday the heat and sun return before other rains expected in the middle of the week in the North. A hurricane over the Atlantic and a very deep cyclone over the British Isles: this month starts with an exceptional weather situation. Hurricane Danielle will move east, towards Europe but it is still very far away and its trajectory to be defined. The extratropical cyclone on the British Isles, on the other hand, will be mostly stationary for several days, and will bring disturbed conditions to Northwest Europe. Italy will be marginally affected by the English cyclone with some rain and local strong thunderstorms over the weekend in the Center-North. Next week this configuration will instead bring the African heat back to our beautiful country. Mattia Gussoni, meteorologist of iLMeteo.it, warns that the presence of the ‘lazy’ cyclone stopped on the British Isles will cause severe thunderstorms in Italy, more likely in Liguria and Tuscany in the next few hours. The bad weather will be characterized as in the last days by very unstable phases alternating with other widely sunny ones. In practice we will experience a dynamic weekend in the Center-North, while in the South we will have high pressure and increasing heat. Tomorrow, Sunday 4 September, the perturbation will move towards the central regions, while in the North the large night spells could favor the first fog of the season: in the Po Valley, especially along the Po river shaft, a reduction is expected. local visibility. Be careful, then in the morning the visibility will be good again. A nod to the temperatures: this weekend it will be autumnal in the North with maximum values ​​locally below 24 ° C. From Monday, however, the African Anti-cyclone will return and the heat will return to the protagonist throughout the country (before other rains expected in the middle of the week in the North). Today, Saturday 3 September – In the north: rains and thunderstorms especially in the North-West, in the evening local also in the Northeast. Center: worsens on Tuscany, Umbria and Marche. In the south: sunny with increasing heat. Sunday, 4 September – In the north: mists in the morning in the Po Valley, then mostly sunny. In the center: local rains on the Tyrrhenian coasts, thunderstorms on the Abruzzo and Molise mountains. In the south: unstable in the Apennines, locally also in Puglia, sunny and hot elsewhere. Monday, 5 September – In the north: local mists in the morning in the Po Valley, then mostly sunny. Middle: mists in the morning then sunny with rising heat. In the south: good weather with significantly increasing heat. Trend – Beginning of the new week with sun almost everywhere; African heat in the extreme South with 37-39 ° C and heat increasing also in the Center-North. From Wednesday it begins to worsen in the North and part of the Center.