Selvaggia Lucarelli and her nightmare vacation in Noto, question and answer with the mayor

A nightmare holiday for Selvaggia Lucarelli, the journalist and influencer with over 1.1 million followers, who in these days is recounting her misadventure on Instagram in the stage of Noto, a baroque city in the province of Syracuse. The electricity that goes haywire in the evening, leaving her and her family in the dark, without air conditioning, and even without water. Not only. With the garbage that is not collected and ends up on the street. With photos and videos posted on social networks. And a question and answer with the mayor of Noto, Corrado Bonfanti who invites her to “respect” his city and who says he is “offended”. And the immediate response of the influencer. The last outburst in the stories of last night, when Selvaggia Lucarelli was forced to take refuge in the car with her partner, chef Lorenzo Biagiarelli and the dog, to escape the suffocating heat and be able to charge her mobile phone after yet another electric blackout. “I have to stay in the car to recharge a cell phone with the destroyed dog, it’s really shameful,” says Selvaggia. He then adds: “I say this with deep sadness but this in Noto is the journey that I will most regretfully remember in my life. I have appreciated the dazzling beauty of so many places, but I cannot pretend that the rest does not exist. I am completely abandoned to the landlord. of the place I rented at exorbitant prices, in a crazy situation “. And he adds: “Every day the light goes off due to Enel faults in the area, or – when it is okay – the meter only blows if I turn on a simple oven. water is also gone. There is no generator, not even an emergency light in the garden. Pesto dark, zero water, atomic heat “. And then he adds: “The owner and the agency did nothing, not even put a battery-operated light on the door, besides inviting me to pay and leave on August 13 but I don’t know where since there is no hole anywhere. . I have traveled all over the world, I have slept in 5-star taverns never experienced a more surreal situation than this. Rent apparently beautiful villas, ask for astronomical figures and then hide flaws, zero services, rudeness, indifference. This is not the Sicily I wanted tell. The measure is full “. But not just black outs. There is also the problem of garbage not being collected. And piles of garbage along the streets, also documented on Instagram. But today the mayor of Noto, Corrado Bonfanti, decided to respond with a post on Facebook: “Mrs. Lucarelli, your presence in Noto on the occasion of the seventh edition of “Giacinto Festival” has certainly enriched the initiative with contents and honored the event and its organizers. We were also very happy with his choice to extend the holidays in the city and we learned that he opted for the choice of renting a entire private villa, owned by a private individual, in a private place. From his story, extended, it is clear that the subject of the contract was not insured, mainly due to the absence of electricity, the primary source for the livability of a I think that none of us would have wanted to live this bad experience that turns the serenity of a holiday into a nightmare and, as reported by telephone, our disappointment and our condemnation for this lived by her and the members of her family is total and unreserved. It is not the case, here, to establish whether a part of responsibility can be attributed to the electricity company, it would not make sense: the discomfort, the anger, the long-awaited and vague holidays, etc., also make sense in this case. places and there will be time to recover, in compliance with the law, one’s own sacrosanct rights violated, by restoring the damage suffered “. And again:” Dear Madam, just as your discomfort deserves understanding and respect, in the same way our city and our territory, unique places rich in history, deserve, indeed they demand, the same respect even in the awareness that many of us, who live in these places, are far from doing it, indeed, very often, ready to increase the dose by denying and profaning them “.Bonfanti ‘the community considers itself offended and betrayed” I am also writing to you on behalf of hundreds of serious, honest, hospitable, caring and welcoming entrepreneurs and traders, people who have invested the resources of their family. or who got into debt by believing and betting in the potential of these extraordinary places. People who put their heart, passion and professionalism into it to make the tourist’s stay unique and unrepeatable. I am writing to you in the name of the many young people who manage to find work by staying in the places of their childhood without having to emigrate – the mayor continues – I am writing to you in the name of a community that is considered, just like you dear Mrs. Lucarelli, offended and betrayed. Can a misadventure ever come to mortify a community that has welcomed it with open arms? The improvisation of a single private individual can forever compromise the beautiful relationship born between the elegance of our architecture, the richness of our landscape and its overflowing class, its envied beauty and, above all, its versatile professionalism appreciated by many fans. and admirers? Thank you for being in Noto Mrs. Lucarelli, I assure you that we have been honored and that, as a mature community, we have understood that this complaint, which she has repeatedly emphasized in social networks, must be read as a heartfelt recommendation to raise the level of attention because in the future events of this kind should no longer happen “. Selvaggia Lucarelli’s reply arrived by return of mail:” Mr. Mayor, as per the cordial telephone conversation I had with you days ago, I explained to you that the inconvenience immediately concerned not only the ‘Enel, but also the impossibility of throwing out the garbage in compliance with the rules. The rules in Noto are: who pays the tari makes the differentiated through the tubs provided by the municipality. Separate garbage is collected door to door. There are no garbage bins in Noto. I reported the absence of tubs on my property (I gave her the address) and asked if the rental property (Sarayi Lodge) is in compliance with Tari. I also called the office in charge. Here there seems to be no Tari user (but I hope I’m wrong), so I asked the agency that rented the house, Compass Cultura, to check with the owner. No response for days. The owner, whom you cite as a naïve exception that does not represent the territory, is a politician, former councilor, candidate for mayor of a neighboring municipality. She knows him. So not only does it represent the territory, but it also represents politics. The garbage that surrounds Noto and suffocates it, impressing the tourists who arrive here with the naive eyes of those who have seen the photos of Noto in the guides or in the background of the Ferragnez wedding, is not “my unfortunate experience”. It is the product of a malfunctioning, deleterious and toxic mechanism (metaphorically and otherwise) that my experience as a tourist and tenant tells very well. “‘Where can my garbage ever end up if not along the roads?'” never end, if not along the streets that surround your wonderful town? I don’t want this. I don’t want to contribute to this mess. And I silently asked, in private, to help me love Noto and Sicily. In response, I received silence from the agency, the owner of the house and the municipality – he continues – It was enough to bring the tubs here and show me that in my property you pay the tari. Tari who evades 60% of citizens. Am I doing bad publicity for the entrepreneurs who invest here? I do not believe. He should read what many, many Sicilians write to me, tired of the partial and deceptive narration of the place where everything is as wonderful and clean as the streets of the center. A little powder and lipstick are not enough to fool tourists. And the entrepreneurs (with whom I spoke, believe me) are certainly not happy to welcome tourists to a land marred by roadside refrigerators and diapers used as guardrails. Do you think that the Americans, the Italians, the French go away talking only about churches, baroque, sea and cannoli? Of course, beauty does not escape us but precisely because it does not escape us, we cannot but cry for the way it is treated “. And again:” I know that these accusations are uncomfortable for local politics and perhaps I could have closed myself in a 5 star seeing me then in private with the landlord, but it was my duty not to be silent. And it should be his duty to dialogue with those who denounce local problems, not dismiss him as a capricious tourist who keeps himself good by calling him from the best restaurant in Noto to offer him a lunch. An invitation for which I thank you, but which I cordially refused to feel free to tell the truth. In the meantime, I’m still here wondering what wonderful landscape my waste will spoil. “In the evening, Daniela Baglieri, the councilor for Energy of Sicily, also arrived. She doesn’t mention Selvaggia Lucarelli, but talks about garbage in Noto: “It is not permissible that the value of the tourist resources of the Sicilian territory be disfigured due to waste abandoned on the street”, he warns. “The problem of abandoning garbage on the street – adds the commissioner – is not new for Sicilians and not it is by no means a nice business card for our cities. Precisely for this reason I have just heard by telephone the mayor of Noto, to whom I have expressed ample willingness to collaborate in the concrete promotion of awareness-raising initiatives to encourage virtuous behavior on the part of citizens. I also reiterated the importance of the utmost vigilance on compliance with collection contracts. The complexity of the problem requires everyone to do their part and the Musumeci government intends to do theirs. “Baglieri made itself available to meet the entrepreneurs and to support the Municipality of Noto to combat illegal micro-landfills. (By Elvira Terranova)

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