Record July, hottest month in history. Hot Italy in August

Hot record in Italy and beyond. July 2021 was the hottest month in history. This is what emerges from the data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Nooa), the American federal agency that deals with climate and oceans. The record, stressed the administrator of Nooa, “adds to the unprecedented and worrying path of climate change”. Read also But the heat is making itself felt even in these days in Italy, where record temperatures are recorded due to the anticyclone Lucifer. On Saturday 14th there are 17 cities with a red dot, at level 3 of alert that “indicates emergency conditions (heat wave) with possible negative effects on the health of healthy and active people and not only on subgroups at risk such as the elderly, very young children and people with chronic diseases “. Bari, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Cagliari, Campobasso, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Palermo, Perugia, Rieti, Rome, Trieste, Viterbo, Ancona and Naples, the hottest urban centers. FERRAGOSTO WEEKEND THE HOTTEST OF THE SUMMER The team of the site warns that “we are preparing to experience the hottest weekend of summer 2021. Lucifer will reach its maximum power over most of the country and daytime temperatures will measure values ​​that will be close to 40 ° C in Lombardy, Emilia, Veneto, Tuscany and Lazio. Just think that Pavia, Mantua, Verona, Rovigo, Prato, Macerata and Naples will touch 37 ° C, 39-40 ° C instead will be possible in Florence and Bologna, 38 in Rome. It will continue to be very hot even in the South, albeit with a few degrees less than these days. In addition to the heat, it will also be necessary to take into account the heat which will gradually become more annoying after sunset and for all night since the humidity will tend to rise up to 60-70% (physical discomfort that is important for the most fragile people, such as children and the elderly). FROM 16 AUGUST DOES EVERYTHING CHANGE? “Taking a look at the European chessboard, where you move the most important meteorological figures, appar It is clear that in Central and Northern Europe there remains a rather extensive low pressure area filled with fresh and unstable air. Well this immense fresh basin will pour towards the Mediterranean basin starting from Monday, August 16, forcing the Subtropical Anticyclone to a hasty retreat “, the experts highlight. According to the latest updates, things could change from August 16.” The thermal values ​​will drop on average 10 ° C starting from the central-northern regions. We do not exclude that under the pressure of particularly intense thunderstorm showers expected for the beginning of the week, temperatures could even drop by 14-15 ° C “. Furthermore,” given the strong contrast between air masses of different extraction (currents from Northern Europe vs African anticyclone), the risk of rather violent storms increases, and therefore there will be again the danger of storms and hailstorms, especially in the first days of next week “.

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