Acute hepatitis children, Bassetti: “Cases worry, I would exclude Covid and vaccines”

On the cases of acute hepatitis of mysterious origin in children, which are being recorded in Europe, “it is difficult to get an idea. It could be an infectious agent, for example an adenovirus that can give such an aggressive picture, but in the immunosuppressed. Instead here the cases are in healthy children, so it is very important to understand at this stage whether it is a virus or a new hepatitis agent that only affects children. We are concerned that we are facing very severe hepatitis, which in some cases has led to transplant “. Thus the infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa, comments on the cases of hepatitis of unknown cause to Adnkronos Salute which are increasing in Europe and which have also been reported in the USA. Read also “We must study all together and work as a team at a European level – he explains – Also understand the mode of transmission, understand if there are external agents or autoimmune factors. But we can exclude Covid and vaccines, I think their involvement is unlikely”, underlines Bassetti. “It is important to report suspected cases immediately – he recommends – and not to do what happened in China with Covid pneumonia”.