Mafia, little brother Di Matteo: “Spatuzza? For us life sentence of pain, he does not deserve freedom”

“We feel a great bitterness, but we can not help but rely on the law. Unfortunately the State provides for this possibility. As for me who has committed such heinous crimes, and I am not just talking about what has personally touched my family, does not deserve freedom “. To tell the Adnkronos is Nicola Di Matteo, brother of little Giuseppe, the child strangled and then dissolved in acid on the orders of Giovanni Brusca, then fugitive and boss of San Giuseppe Jato, about the request of the repentant Gaspare Spatuzza to be able to return in freedom. Giuseppe Di Matteo was kidnapped on November 23, 1993, when he was not yet 13 years old, in a riding school in Piana degli Albanesi to convince his father Santino to stop his collaboration with the law. According to what Spatuzza himself told, who took part in the kidnapping and who was convicted for that affair, the mafiosi disguised themselves as policemen of the Dia, deceiving the child who believed he could see his father in that period under protection far from Sicily. Giuseppe Di Matteo was kept segregated and moved to various prisons in Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento before being strangled and dissolved in acid in January 1996. For the kidnapping and murder of little Di Matteo, the former boss of Brancaccio, now repentant, asked the family for forgiveness. “Forgiveness is impossible – says Nicola Di Matteo now – and we would never be willing to meet him. It would be cowardice towards my brother. He, like Brusca, sentenced me and, above all, my mother to life imprisonment for pain. life sentence, yes, which lasts for life “. “We respect the law that provides for penalty discounts for those who collaborate with justice – he underlines -. We accept it with great pain because we would never have thought that, after all that has been done to an innocent child, those responsible could be rewarded with freedom. . As far as I’m concerned, they would deserve life imprisonment not only for the kidnapping and killing of my brother, but also for what magistrates and men and women in uniform have done. But the law must be respected. Always, even when you do so. does, as in this case, reluctantly “. (by Rossana Lo Castro)