Mps-David Rossi, Pittelli hearing in the investigation commission on 9 May

On May 9, the lawyer Giancarlo Pittelli will be heard before the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the death of David Rossi. The hearing of Pittelli, involved in the Rinascita-Scott trial and under house arrest, will be held at the prefecture of Catanzaro. The hearing is long awaited for the interception in which Pittelli himself spoke of the death of the former manager of MPS. In the calendar of hearings, deliberated by the Bureau of the Commission, there are also those, on April 28, of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, president of the board of directors of Santander consumer bank and of the scientific ballistic consultant Paride Minervini and on May 5 of the carabinieri Angelo Ciampi , Alessandro Scarfone, Rocco Gaudino and Pietro Careddu, who had to be audited today and have been postponed.