Covid, for under 14 masks in the classroom and outdoor lessons: the proposal

Masks at school and, when possible, outdoor lessons to reduce the risk of Covid. “From 1 May, even if the obligation to wear a mask is removed”, the use of these protections “in the classroom should be strongly recommended to children in kindergarten, ie from 3 years upwards, and to primary school children and lower secondary school, therefore in general to the under 14. And outdoor teaching should also be favored “. This is the appeal launched by the pediatrician Italo Farnetani, “also in the light of the vaccination data for 5-11 year old children”, he explains to Adnkronos Salute. While the date that could decree the stop – it is not yet known how extended – to the indoor masks is approaching, the expert reflects on the impact that the eventual farewell to this measure could have on the little ones: “It has been rightly said that we have been able to reduce the restrictions, including the obligation to wear a mask, except in some situations, thanks to the high number of vaccinated people and this is the reason for my indications for the under 14. Because if you look at the age group 5- 11 years old, it can be seen that she is mostly unvaccinated, unlike the older ones where the percentage of vaccinated fluctuates around 90% “. In this situation, the full professor of Pediatrics of the Ludes-United Campus of Malta argues,” an equal provision cannot be made for all age groups, these distinctions are needed “. As regards the vaccination campaign for 5-11 year olds, “it is really very low – Farnetani reiterates – Yesterday 526 administrations were carried out, 40 times less than what happened 2 months ago, on February 20, when the vaccinations of the little ones were 21,792. And if at the beginning of February the unvaccinated children were 65.32%, today they are 62.22% “. So the share hasn’t changed much: “In practice, almost 2 out of 3 children are not vaccinated”. “In addition to the use of the mask, which from the beginning of the pandemic I have personally recommended from 3 years onwards – concludes the pediatrician – now that the warm season arrives I would suggest to focus on outdoor teaching: not only is it an advantage to reduce the infection, but for the health of the children as a whole “.