Indoor masks, Costa: “Stop from May, evaluation on transport”

From 1 May stop the obligation to wear masks indoors in Italy, with some possible exceptions such as public transport. In view of the deadline at the end of April, this is the government orientation illustrated by Undersecretary for Health Andrea Costa, to RaiNews 24. Read also “I believe that Italians in these 2 years have” gained “a different awareness compared to Covid – has explained – So “, with regard to the mask in closed places,” I am convinced that passing from an obligation to a recommendation could be absolutely the right choice. With reflection, perhaps keeping it in some places. Let’s think “for example” of means of transport, where maybe there can be more crowding “. In any case, Costa reiterated, “I believe that there are conditions to proceed with removing the masks indoors” as a mandatory measure. “The decree, as it is written and as we are converting it to the Chamber – the undersecretary specified – effectively removes the obligation to wear masks indoors for everyone. So in these days, before the deadline of April 30, it is a question of make some reflections and evaluate whether to keep them in some places indoors. We think of the Ffp2, but I repeat, the reflection is limited to some particular contexts such as public transport, where certainly there can be a concentration of people and where perhaps it can be prudent keep them “. “I believe that, despite the obligation or the non-obligation – added Costa – citizens will continue to keep the masks in the places of greatest risk. This also happens outdoors: despite the fact that there has been no obligation for 2 months now, we continue to see citizens wearing masks outdoors “.