Anpi, Pagliarulo (Anpi): “I’m not pro-Putin, condemnation for Russian invasion”

“All those who are raging against the Anpi rest assured, we will continue to condemn no ifs and buts a bloody invasion for which Putin bears all responsibility”. This was stated by the president of Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo, in a video for Il Fatto Quotidiano. “In this period there is no day in which the Anpi is not attacked by someone. Here is the technique: to have the target of the controversy, that is me, say exactly the opposite of what I said, I spoke of unity and I discover that My words are divisive. Today – he adds – in the midst of a terrifying war and an invasion whose responsibility lies with Putin, it seems that anyone who is out of the chorus becomes a dangerous Putinian “. “We will continue to support the urgency of an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, we will continue to argue that the only way to end this catastrophe is serious negotiation and continued de-escalation, we will continue to support that the dispatch of weapons, which is increasing, is fuel on the fire of a war that can explode on a European and world scale of which the first victims are the Ukrainians. The goal is peace, we know we are many, we share the appeals from the Pope. For this reason we will demonstrate on April 25 – concludes Pagliarulo – We were, we are and will always remain anti-fascists “.