The bachelors excelled on Easter Monday: PHOTO After two years of pandemics, they gave nothing to women! –

On Monday, the members of the Folklore Ensemble (FS) Krompašan from Krompách lined up and kissed their colleagues not only in the town, but also in the neighboring village of Slovinky. According to them, after two years of measures in connection with the pandemic, they were looking forward to the dressing table. Archive VIDEO Members of the Krompašan Folklore Ensemble have been haunting girls in town and village “We have had a break for two years, but we try to keep those traditions in the ensemble every year. Unfortunately, not all girls are currently identified. Our girls in the ensemble are preparing to “We guys enjoy it. The Easter holidays are associated with dressing and we want to preserve it, because it is the wealth of Slovakia,” said Deputy Head of FS Krompasan Miroslav Lucansky. Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj parents. He has been involved in folklore for 16 years and was brought to the ensemble by his leader Henrich Papcun. “From an early age, I was led by my parents that folklore folk music is something of ours. I have it in my heart and I try to promote it further. Folklore is the only positive thing that holds us right now,” Lučanský added. “For me, this Easter tradition means a lot, because without it we would not be healthy. I’m looking forward to it. I’m glad that it works at this time and the cold water doesn’t bother me,” said folklorist Slávka Malecová. “I am very glad that what was once done has not disappeared. For me, folklore is life. It’s great,” added Sandra Huďová. Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Folk music by Lukáš Gajdoš from Margecian was accompanied during the dressing of folklorists. FS Krompašan was founded in 1988 on the initiative of its founder and first choreographer Alžbeta Cirbusová. It preserves and develops folk dance, songs and customs from the area of ​​lower Spiš and the Krompa area. FS regularly participates in various cultural and social events, occasional celebrations and fairs. In the past he has performed in Hungary, Germany, Poland, Italy, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Turkey. Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj The archaeologist of the Museum in Kežmarok, Marta Kučerová, explained that Slovakia is crossing an imaginary cultural border between Western Europe with the custom of spring gallows and eastern areas with predominant watering. “By the middle of the 20th century, whistling was widespread in the west of Slovakia, bathing and watering in central and eastern Slovakia, and both traditions were known in the southwest,” she said. Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Christian holidays merged with the old pagan holidays of the coming of spring. Easter Monday was the first day after the fast and people wanted to have fun, singing and dancing again. The water had a cleansing and healing effect during Easter. “Soaking the girls with the bachelors in the stream, splashing with fragrant water, pouring buckets or water from a mug was considered cleansing, fruitful and should ensure the girls’ health for the whole year,” added Kučerová. According to her, an interesting tradition was followed in nearby Veľká Lomnica, where the next day girls who wanted to return the heat of cold water to the boys were bathing. “The ‘war war’ often broke out on the street,” the archaeologist emphasized. Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj Photo gallery (12) Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa, Maroš Černý, Lukáš Grinaj