CasaPound confirms Rome event: “Rays do not decide”

“The national demonstration scheduled for May 29 in Rome has been authorized and will be held regularly”. This was announced in a note by CasaPound Italia. “Despite the mayor’s declarations, we will take to the streets with thousands of people from all over Italy: it will certainly not be the Rays to decide who can or cannot demonstrate – explains the movement – The demonstration will take place in a static way in Piazza Santi Apostoli, shortly far from the Pantheon. The appointment is for 4.00 pm on May 29th “. “CasaPound has every right to demonstrate – explained Luca Marsella, municipal councilor in Rome, who in a live broadcast on Facebook this morning showed the authorization of the Police Headquarters – and perhaps Raggi should deal with a city in disarray and the problems of We will not be used and exploited by those who are obviously already in the electoral campaign, we will not be in the streets to look for votes but to show that there are still Italians who do not accept to see a nation killed by politicians, technicians and bankers built – concluded Marsella – with the sacrifice of our ancestors “.