Vaccini Lazio, “ahead with second Pfizer dose late”

Vaccines in Lazio and second Pfizer dose, an interval of 6 weeks – and not 21 days – between the first and second administration? The Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, defends the regional strategy regarding the vaccination plan and in particular on the possibility of extending the time of the second recall. Speaking on the 24 Mattino program on Radio 24, he indirectly replied to Pfizer who had pronounced negatively with respect to this possibility: “The words of Pfizer’s health director do not surprise me, it is normal for the innkeeper to say that his wine is good. The problem here is a public health order to have a double objective: to increase the number of vaccinated subjects where the effectiveness of the protection does not substantially change, because we now have field trials conducted on thousands of users in which already after the first dose the protection is already over 80%. I believe that in a situation like the current one, still transitional like this month of May, in which we do not yet have all the doses, because despite the commendable efforts of General Figliuolo we will only have them available. in June, I think that the strategy of increasing the audience is an important strategy. I can only say that yesterday as regards Lazio after seven m and we had the lowest rate of number of positive cases per day so it means that the direction is the right one “, D’Amato insists. Read also Vaccinate who goes on holiday to another region? “I think there will be an agreement, it is necessary to avoid a setback in August. We talked about it, Commissioner Figliuolo is determined, there is an Information Systems issue to be put in communication with each other, but through I believe that the national vaccination registry will be there in a short time “, D’Amato said, adding:” It depends on the vaccine supplies, but I believe it can reach herd immunity in the Region in mid-August “.