Covid Lombardy, today 788 infections: 11 May bulletin data

There are 788 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy according to data from the bulletin of today, May 11, of the Civil Protection. Another 30 deaths have been recorded since yesterday, bringing the total number of deaths in the region to 33,235 since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. In the last 24 hours, 33,979 swabs were processed, the positivity index is 2.3%. There are 454 patients in intensive care (-25 since yesterday), with 17 admissions on the day. The hospitalized with symptoms in the non-critical area are 2,556 (-112). The total cases in Lombardy are 819,785. These are the new cases by province: Milan: 256 (of which 98 in Milan city); Bergamo: 48; Brescia: 102; Como: 66; Cremona: 31; Lecco: 35; Praise: 16; Mantua: 36; Monza and Brianza: 45; Pavia: 59; Sondrio: 3; Varese: 63.