Covid Italy today, 6,946 infections and 251 deaths: May 11 bulletin

There are 6,946 coronavirus infections in Italy today, Tuesday 11 May, according to region-by-region data in the Civil Protection bulletin. Since yesterday there have been another 251 deaths. Since yesterday 286,428 swabs have been processed, the positivity index is 2.4%. There are 2,056 patients in intensive care (-102 from yesterday), with 100 admissions in the last 24 hours. The hospitalized in the non-critical area are 14,937 (-490). THE DATA OF THE REGIONILAZIO – There are 635 new coronavirus infections registered today, May 11, in Lazio, according to the regional bulletin, which also reports another 40 deaths. “Out of over 13,301 thousand swabs (+2251) and over 21 thousand antigenic for a total of almost 25 thousand tests, there are 635 new positive cases (-45), 40 deaths (+23) and 1,230 cured. cases, a sharp drop in intensive care and a drop in hospitalized patients. The ratio between positives and swabs is 4.7%, but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 2.4%. The cases in Rome city are at 406 “, underlines the commissioner to the Health and Social Health Integration of the Lazio Region Alessio D’Amato, highlighting that “today in Lazio there is the lowest number of positives in the last seven months and a strong slowdown in infections”. ABRUZZO – There are 79 new coronavirus infections in Abruzzo, according to the table of today’s bulletin, May 11. Also recorded 9 other deaths. Overall, there are 72,649 positive cases of Covid 19 registered in the Region since the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday there are 79 new cases, 13 of which are under 19 years old. The death toll of patients registers 9 new cases and rises to 2,447 (between 72 and 93 years). The number of positive cases also includes 62,531 discharged / healed (+251 compared to yesterday), according to what the Regional Health Department communicates. A total of 1,052,783 molecular swabs have been performed since the beginning of the emergency (+3,956 compared to yesterday) and 432,474 antigen tests (+2,341 compared to yesterday): 254 patients (-24 compared to yesterday) were hospitalized, 25 (-4 compared to yesterday with 0 new hospitalizations) in intensive care, while the other 7,392 ( -153 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation with active surveillance by the ASL VALLE D’AOSTA – There are 23 coronavirus infections in Valle d’Aosta today, May 11, according to data from the regional bulletin. As of yesterday, 1 death was registered. The current positive cases are 534, – 34 compared to yesterday, of which 22 hospitalized, 9 in intensive care, and 503 in home isolation. The recovered have risen by 56 units to 10,261 while the swabs carried out to date are 120,140, ​​+ 753, of which 27,158 processed with rapid unsanitary tests. The deaths of people who have tested positive for coronavirus in Valle d’Aosta since the beginning of the epidemic are currently 464.PUGLIA – There are 684 new coronavirus infections in Puglia according to today’s bulletin, May 11. Also recorded 24 other deaths. Therefore, the new positive cases of Covid 19 in the Region increase, but the number of tests carried out goes back much more than yesterday. Deaths are essentially stable. The curve of the healed continues to grow steadily and for this reason both the current positives and the hospitalized drop significantly. The daily epidemiological bulletin drawn up by the Region, based on information from the Health Promotion department, fosters cautious optimism. BASILICATA – 82 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to today’s bulletin, 11 May. Also recorded 3 other deaths. 1,484 the molecular swabs carried out. The deceased people resided in Atella, Matera, Policoro. 262 Lucanians recovered or negated. Updating the overall data, currently positive Lucanians are 5,529 (-187), of which 5,393 in home isolation. 18,442 people residing in Basilicata have recovered since the beginning of the health emergency and 534 have died.MARCHE – 151 coronavirus infections in the Marches today, 11 May, according to data from the region’s bulletin. The Health Service announced that 4021 swabs have been tested in the last 24 hours: 2258 in the new diagnosis path (of which 846 in the screening with the Antigenic pathway) and 1763 in the healed path (with a positive / tested ratio of 6.7%) TUSCANY – There are 367 new coronavirus infections in Tuscany according to today’s bulletin, May 11. In addition, another 21 deaths were recorded. The total number of positives in the Region is 234,097 since the beginning of the health emergency. New cases are 0.2% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grow by 0.5% and reach 211,216 (90.2% of total cases). Today 9,906 molecular swabs and 12,007 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 1.7% were positive. On the other hand, 6,985 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 5.3% were positive. The currently positive are 16,458 today, -4% compared to yesterday. There are 1,263 hospitalized (48 fewer than yesterday), of which 195 are in intensive care (10 fewer). Today there are 21 new deaths: 14 men and 7 women with an average age of 80.7 years CAMANIA – There are 1,109 new infections from Coronavirus in Campania according to today’s bulletin, May 11. The table refers to another 29 deaths. There were 16,351 molecular swabs made in the last 24 hours. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 6,719 deaths have been registered in the Region. The new healed are 2,390. There are 111 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 1,353 those hospitalized in the wards EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 456 new infections from Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, May 11. The table refers to another 12 deaths. There were 25,380 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made is 1.8%. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 154 new cases, followed by Modena with 69, then Reggio Emilia with 46, Parma with 36, Rimini with 32 and Piacenza with 30. Then Ravenna with 26, Forlì with 25, Cesena with 19, Ferrara with 12 and, finally, the Imola district with 7. In the last 24 hours, 12,571 molecular swabs were carried out, for a total of 4,548,857. In addition to these are 12,809 quick swabs. As for the total people healed, they are 2,945 more than yesterday and reach 335,032. Since the beginning of the epidemic there have been 13,031 deaths in the region. 186 patients admitted to intensive care are 186, one less than yesterday, 1,294 those in the other Covid departments, 63 fewer FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 50 new infections of coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 May. There are another 2 deaths. Since yesterday 3,499 molecular swabs have been processed, the positivity index is 1.43%. There are 20 people hospitalized in intensive care, while those in other departments are reduced, 136. The overall deaths amounted to 3,746: 797 in Trieste, 1,990 in Udine, 669 in Pordenone and 290 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 90,645, the clinically healed 5,564, while the people in isolation drop to 6,082. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 106,193 people have been positive: 20,938 in Trieste, 50,440 in Udine, 20,730 in Pordenone, 12,898 in Gorizia and 1,187 from outside the region PIEDMONT – There are 529 new coronavirus infections in Piedmont according to the data from the bulletin today, May 11. There are another 12 deaths. The new cases are equal to 2.7% of the 19,905 swabs performed, of which 10,959 are antigenic. The total of positive cases thus becomes 356,888, of which 28,771 Alessandria, 17,109 Asti, 11,081 Biella, 51,435 Cuneo, 27,435 Novara, 191,190 Turin, 13,260 Vercelli, 12,625 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 1,471 residents outside the region but in charge of the structures Piedmontese healthcare systems. The remaining 2,511 are under development and territorial assignment. 148 patients are admitted to intensive care (-13 compared to yesterday). Non-intensive care patients are 1658 (-22 compared to yesterday). There are 10,880 people in home isolation The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 4,586,001 (+19,905 compared to yesterday), of which 1,550,241 were negative. 957 compared to yesterday).