Curfew Italy and RT, new rules: what can change

Postpone the curfew and change the Rt index: loosen the rules and measures for the containment of the covid in view of the summer 2021. Despite the pressure, it will not be discussed today during the control room with Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the majority forces : on the table there should be only the Dl supports bis and the economic measures. But the postponement of the curfew of at least an hour or even until midnight is a hypothesis that is being pushed by many sides. “Reopening, reopening, reopening”, repeated yesterday evening the leader of the League Matteo Salvini. “I return to work, day and night and without curfew, trusting the Italians”, he stressed after meeting the ministers of the League, in the Chamber, adding: “That this is the right week, we can acknowledge that the healed and the number of sick people is decreasing “. But for many a total abolition of the curfew is premature. Curfew “between 11pm and midnight, I’d say midnight, within a couple of weeks and keep checking the numbers. I would wait this week to see the usual weekly assessment on Friday, but then time two weeks I think it can be moved to midnight “. Thus the Undersecretary of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, more cautious about abolition: “There are always the risks of further aggregation events. Let’s go step by step, let’s try not to rush too much, already move it at midnight I think it’s good. Let’s see then in June what will happen, when we reached 30 million people vaccinated with the first dose, three weeks after reaching these 30 million, then – he concluded – it is clear that we can take some further steps forward “. “The curfew makes a small contribution to the control of RT” according to virologist Andrea Crisanti, director of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua. He explains: “The virus is transmitted at 8 in the morning as well as at 10 or 11 in the evening”. But since “the more you meet, the more the probability of transmission increases” of Covid-19. And “even small” impacts on RT, deriving from the different measures, “if added together they help us to get out of this situation as soon as possible”.
Rt Index The analysis of the parameters that determine the RT and the color change of the regions will be at the center of the meeting between the government and the Regions scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 12 May. A meeting, which should be attended by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini, preceded by a meeting of the technicians to consider some of the proposals. According to those who learn, the presidents’ will is to consider not the spread of the infection for the attribution of colors, as has happened so far, but the hospital RT. “I think it is reasonable and decisive to evaluate the use of new parameters compared to RT to determine color bands and new openings. Today we are facing a completely different situation. The scenario has changed: the categories at risk have been made safe, and the percentage of immunized citizens is growing every day, “he said. the Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa. “It would be a mistake – explains Costa – not to rebalance the weight of RT with the use of other parameters. Among the hypotheses being evaluated there are, for example, that of hospital RT and that of the index linked to vaccination: based on the numbers we are obtaining with the vaccination plan, we could link certain reopenings to the number of inoculated doses and the immunization percentage of certain age groups, I am thinking of the over 80, 70, 60, guests of the RSA, the frail “, adds. “In short, the most vulnerable groups. All this – he concludes – would allow us, first of all, to present a concrete and understandable parameter to citizens and would assign greater credibility to the choices”.