Howard University in Washington, the symbolic college of African Americans also attended by US Vice President Kamala Harris, has decided to dismantle the department of classical studies. Another blow from the cancel culture that considers classical studies to be ‘supremacist’. “It is the suicide of civilization through the grotesque, without even the great nobility of a real suicide”, Marcello Veneziani told Adnkronos, commenting on the decision of the university that is sparking debates and controversies. “We are facing an extreme step of collective dementia – he says – which claims to bend the great past with small dogmas of the present. A dementia that does not understand the difference of epoch, of history, of principles. It is truly a final form. beyond which there is only barbarism. The US is only the preview of the West, of Europe. The film they are seeing was only screened a few years earlier there. But soon we will see it too, even if in in reality we are already doing it in a slightly slower form “.” Basically, we are Americans late – claims Veneziani – with the logic of supremast studies, humanity should then be canceled if everything is tackled like this. It has also been in scientific research, in the explorations that have given us nobility and progress. All this stems from the attempt to face open spaces, to dare. When the spirit of conquest fails, the noble essence of humanity fails “, he concludes .