Case Moro, former Br Persichetti under investigation for subversive association and aiding and abetting

The Moro case returns to the center of another investigation by the Rome prosecutor’s office. The crime hypotheses are the subversive association aimed at terrorism and the aiding and abetting and investigated in the proceeding is the former Br Paolo Persichetti against whom a search was also triggered on 8 June last. At the center of the new investigation, which is based on a Digos report dated February 9, is the disclosure of confidential material “acquired and / or processed by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro”, is explained in the decree signed by the deputy Eugenio Albamonte together with the prosecutor Michele Prestipino. Hence the search of the former terrorist, who is now a historical researcher, author among other things of several books on the Moro case, to identify the channels through which he would have come into possession of the confidential material and “the circuits through which said material was available to third parties with whom the judicial police ascertained its availability “. In the 1980s, Persichetti was the first ex-terrorist extradited to Italy from France in the Red Brigades-Unione dei Communisti, companion of ‘exile’ in Paris with Cesare Battisti, Oreste Scalzone and many other Italian exiles. His was a judicial and political case. In 1993 Persichetti was arrested in Paris, where he had arrived legally before being sentenced in absentia to 22 years for armed gang and moral competition in the murder of General Licio Giorgieri. He was arrested and released after 14 months, thanks to the intervention of the French president François Mitterand, and, despite the fact that the Balladur government had finally decided in favor of his extradition to Italy, his execution was stopped by Jacques’ arrival at the Élysée. Chirac, opposed to calling into question the Mitterrand doctrine. The story ended almost ten years later: on August 24, 2002, after being stopped by the French police, the former BR was handed over to the Italian authorities during the night under the Mont Blanc tunnel by virtue of that extradition granted but never performed. Persichetti: “I searched, historical research is now a crime” “Free historical research has now become a crime. For the prosecutor of Rome I would be guilty of ‘disclosure of confidential material acquired and / or processed by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the seizure and the murder of the Hon. Aldo Moro ‘”, explains Persichetti, recounting that” for this reason on Tuesday 8 May after leaving my children at school, just after nine in the morning, I was stopped by a Digos patrol and escorted to my home where other agents belonging to three different services of the State Police were waiting for me: Central Directorate of the Prevention Police, Digos and Postal Police “. “I counted a total of 8 men and two women, but I think there were others left on the street – underlines Persichetti, who is now a historical researcher and has written several books on the Moro case – Such a deployment of forces was due to the execution of a search warrant and contextual seizure of mobile phones and any other type of computer equipment (computers, tablets, notebooks, smartphones, hard disks, pendrives, magnetic, optical and video media, cameras and video cameras and cloud storage areas), with particular attention to the retrieval of chat conversations and e-mail boxes and the exchange and dissemination of files, as well as any other type of material. Decree ordered by the deputy prosecutor at the Court of Rome Eugenio Albamonte who followed up an information from the Police Prevention of last February 9. The search ended at 5 pm and put a strain on the same police personnel. born from the quantity of books and archival material (which escaped a fire a few months ago), collected after years of patient and painstaking research. Singular is the fact that no searches have been carried out in the home of those ‘confidant’ journalists of the Commission, or directly on the payroll, who received first-hand information and disseminated tissue papers “.” The disclosure of ‘confidential material’ (sic!), According to the public prosecutor’s office would have resulted in two very specific crimes – continues Persichetti -, aiding and abetting (378 criminal code) and the inevitable 270 bis, the subversive association with the purpose of terrorism, which would have started on 8 December 2015. From five and a half years, according to the prosecutor’s office, a subversive organization (capable of challenging even the lockdown) would be active in this country, whose name, programs, texts and public proclamations are not yet known despite the many seasons passed. concrete actions (and violent, without which 270 bis could not be configured). At this point, it is legitimate to ask whether the reference to 270 bis was an expedient, the classic ‘bolt crime’, which allows a more facilitated use of invasive investigation tools (stalking, wiretapping, search and seizures), in the presence of lower protections for the suspect “.” December 8, 2015 was a Tuesday when the feast of the Immaculate Conception fell – reconstructs Persichetti – In those days the parliamentary commission chaired by Giuseppe Fioroni discussed and amended the final draft of the report that it closed the first year of construction, approved just two days later, on 10 December. Copies of that final draft had reached all the editorial offices in Italy and I took part, on behalf of a newspaper with which I collaborated, in the presentation press conference. What justified such an imposing police device, the looting of my life and my family, the house search, the stealing of all my material and my work and communication tools, the administrative and medical documentation of my disabled child I deal with as a caregiver, the stripping of my family’s memories, photos, notes, dreams, private dimensions, the bare life in short, I still can’t tell you. We will know something more in the next few days, when the prosecutor’s office following the request for re-examination made by my defender, lawyer Francesco Romeo, will have to pay his papers “.” What is clear from the start is instead the unprecedented attack on freedom of historical research, the possibility of making history on the 70s, of considering that 50-year-old period not a taboo, untouchable and unspeakable except in the quirinal version declaimed in recent weeks, but a matter to be approached without complexes and preconceptions with the multiple tools and disciplines of the social sciences, certainly not criminal and forensic “, underlines the former Br.” Today I am a naked man, I no longer have my archive built with years of patient and hard work, collected by studying the funds present at the Central State Archives, the Historical Archives of the Senate, the Chamber Library, the Caetani, the State Newspaper Library, the Court of Appeal and still obtained from a daily to open sources, institutional portals, enriched by oral testimonies, life experiences, paths. I have been stolen the tons of notes, diagrams, notes and materials with which I was preparing various books and projects. In these hours I had to give up a book that I had to deliver during the summer, because the chapters have been confiscated. Maybe someone thought of silencing me by relegating me to civil death. What has happened is therefore a very serious intimidation that must alert everyone in this country, especially those who work in research, those who deal with and love history. Today it happened to me, tomorrow it can happen to others if a firm, strong and indignant civil response is not organized “, concludes Persichetti.

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