Covid, Guarantor for minors Bolzano: “homeschooling quadrupled but critical, Bianchi regulations in more detail”

“They are not schools and they are not clandestine, because parental education is constitutionally guaranteed. They are ways of organizing parental education in the territories, to be regulated in more detail to guarantee children a balanced and complete education”. To intervene with the Adnkronos is the Guarantor of Childhood and Adolescence of the province of Bolzano, Daniela Hoeller, who reports to Adnkronos: “the number of students in homeschooling from last year to this year in our province has quadrupled. We are from 130 to 570 minors involved. Through the competent councilors we asked for an intervention by Minister Bianchi for the critical issues encountered to date. A more detailed national regulation is needed, as Austria intends to do. The experience our territory can lead the way at a national level “, given the tripling of the phenomenon from 2028-209 to 2020-2021 according to data from the Ministry of Education throughout Italy. “The constitutionally guaranteed right to parental education must be counterbalanced by that of children to education. The individualization of the school career of one’s children must have the counterpart of sociality and participation. Because the school also has a social function – he remarks – The family is the first place for socializing but not the only one and the eye of an attentive teacher can often glimpse situations of discomfort “. According to the Guarantor, “a more detailed regulation of ex ante and ex post homeschooling is necessary at national level: compulsory consultancy; more checks and inspections during the school year and not only at the end of the year, perhaps through visits and checks by the staff of the reference schools in the area “also on the places where the lessons are held that” cannot take place as happened in some cases that reported parents separated in outdoor meadows with five degrees of external temperature “. “To educate a child it takes an entire village – remembers Hoeller, quoting an Indian saying – Home schooling must be a responsible choice and sometimes it can be a valid alternative. Here the situation has worsened within a few weeks and the I suspect it has to do with anti-covid measures. ”