Covid, “1 in 6 hospitalized dead in the first wave”

“Out of the total number of patients hospitalized during the first wave” of Covid, “one in 6 died during hospitalization”. This was reported by Simi (Italian Society of Internal Medicine), communicating the results of a study that indicates the ‘spy’ elements of a probable negative evolution of Covid. The work, published in ‘Internal and Emergency Medicine’, was conducted on over 3 thousand patients infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus and hospitalized in the internal medicine wards of 41 large Italian hospitals during the first epidemic wave. That is when Italy, the experts recall, had the second largest number of Covid cases in the world after China and one of the highest mortality rates. “The mortality rate, generally higher in males than in females – report the internists – has undergone a constant increase in patients over 70 years of age: from 31.3%” in the 71-80 years “range to 64.4 % in patients over 90 years of age “.