Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients: ‘For us the diagnosis is a tsunami’

“The diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia changes your life, it is a real tsunami. The psychological impact for those who receive it, due to their family and social context, is very important: it is a treatable but currently not curable pathology, which requires a daily coexistence with the disease, facing doubts about the future, expectations, and to manage the impacts from a relational, work, economic and leisure time organization point of view. Regaining possession of a good quality of life, cultivating one’s dreams and passions is fundamental “. Thus Sabrina Nardi, Head of Ail Patients speaking today at the web conference “Chronic lymphatic leukemia: fixed-duration therapy transforms the standards of care for a better quality of life of the patient”, promoted by AbbVie – a global biopharmaceutical company led by scientific research – with the participation of Ail – Italian Association against Leukemia-lymphomas and myeloma Onlus. “I am scared”, “My life is over”, “I fell into the deepest abyss”, are “the most common reactions of patients at the time of diagnosis – reports Nardi – and they tell us a lot about the impact that the same has on people’s lives. Impact that affects family, emotional and social relationships and affects the more strongly the younger the person is “. According to Nardi, family and friends “play a fundamental role” in dealing with the disease in the best possible way. “The patient has difficulties in the affective and private sphere, he wishes to recover a new sexuality. Even in the workplace, having to be away often for check-ups or treatments is a problem. Not to mention the management of free time: many ask us if they can play sports, travel, expose themselves to the sun rather than take care of their grandchildren ”. In addition to the diagnosis and the disease, patients “today have to deal with the social stigma – admits the manager of Ail Pazienti -. For the collective imagination, leukemia is unfortunately still a scary word, it is considered a condemnation. Many are unable to make a career in the workplace due to illness. Is absurd”. Fortunately, “the positive data on treatments – concludes Nardi – which last two years and then allow the interruption are one more weapon available to patients for a new normal. It is therefore important for patients to continue to monitor sickness-free time data after discontinuation of therapy ”.