In Lombardy 700 thousand women with vulvodynia

In Lombardy 700 thousand women suffer from vulvodynia, 600 thousand have disorders related to urinary incontinence, 500 thousand are affected by sclero-atrophic lichen which affects 1.4 million, already in menopause. These are the data of a survey illustrated on the occasion of the ‘Stop Intimate Disorders’ conference, promoted by the director of Studio Egeria in Milan, Enrico Meloni and which was held in recent days at the Auditorium Gaber in Palazzo Pirelli. “I wanted to organize this event – says Meloni – to sensitize the female universe as much as possible so that women can become aware of any problems they encounter and therefore find adequate answers to their questions. Medicine can help a process of diagnosis and targeted evaluation that uses technology and pharmacology to obtain a definitive result without having to resort to invasive and painful treatments. ”The seminar was attended, among others, by Roberto Bernorio (specialist in gynecology – psychotherapist – clinical sexologist), Karina Makarenko (specialist in gynecology and obstetrics), Debora Marchiori (specialist in Urologist); Giovanna Testa (specialist in gynecology and obstetrics); Nerella Petrini (specialist in dermatology – venerealogy); Simona Colicchia (physiotherapist specialized in pelvic floor treatment) and Ettore Palma (specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and lecturer at Sapienza University of Rome) 0 million women – a note reads – suffer from diseases related to disorders of the uro-genital system. According to the data published by the Egeria Study Center for women’s well-being, more than 15% of the female population suffers from vulvodynia, more than 20% from urinary incontinence. Intimate problems that often affect the life of a couple. Today, however, these pathologies can be treated with minimally invasive techniques and certified efficacy. “In Italy there are hundreds of thousands of ‘invisible’ women, who live in the shadows – remarks Bernorio -. The message is: do not be afraid to go to a specialist, diseases such as vulvodynia and vaginismus can be cured, thanks to therapies that can reach up to 95% effectiveness. However, a collective effort is necessary. On the one hand, women no longer have to be ashamed or feel guilty, even for historical and cultural heritage, of having dysfunctions that can certainly happen. other, the health care world must understand that it is necessary to have greater awareness of diseases that are often misunderstood and not easily diagnosed. This is why it is necessary to turn to serious and prepared specialists, who do not take symptoms lightly and above all know how to listen to patients “.

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