The nurse’s appeal from the ‘cover’: “It’s not all over, be responsible”

“It has been more than a year since we began to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. A tough year. I hope everyone’s sense of responsibility in not thinking that everything is over. I hope we continue with behavior of common sense, precisely because it is not over yet. The hospitals are not empty. I hope that responsible behavior spreads like a virus, so that perhaps we can spend a lighter summer “. Monica Falocchi, head nurse of the Intensive Care Unit of the Civil Hospital of Brescia, has a hint of weariness in her voice. Her intense brown eyes have seen them in many. From the cover that the ‘New York Times’ dedicated to her in its magazine. It was April 2020. “I’m just a face that represents many others – he tells Adnkronos Health on International Nurses Day – That cover had different implications: great satisfaction but also bitterness. Because visibility is not always understood. I hoped that that image was a symbol for all nurses, not just me. But the message doesn’t always get through “. And his thoughts today go to “all nurses and health workers on this very important day. The nurse is responsible for managing the care process, combining technical and relational skills and never before has such an emotional commitment been required of him after this long year. strong, “he points out. Being a nurse, continues Falocchi, “means taking care of people, putting humanity first. It is an important role in society, we are the ones who are ever closer to the patient, without taking anything away from other professionals. And I hope that this pandemic leaves something positive, that is, a real recognition to the Italian nurses and their role. If I feel a wind of change? You ask me at a time when I am particularly exhausted and not so optimistic “. ‘Situation under control but not resolved and tiredness among the health workers, investing and breathing ‘. Monica is keen to point it out: “The situation is under control, but not resolved. A constant and continuous commitment persists.” Never as in the era of Covid has it been so clear: “We need to invest more, we need to ensure that the staff have a well-deserved rest after such all-encompassing events, which have marked every professional, at work in all areas, not only in those Covid. The whole health system has changed and everyone has had to readjust and work out in new situations. Whatever they say, we weren’t prepared, even if it is our job “. And after the first wave, “there was another one. It was difficult to put those clothes back on for the umpteenth time. The cases we treated were numerous and in this wave much younger, which required us a very strong emotional commitment – he says – At this moment I think that all nurses need to take back a little bit of their life and spend some time outside the hospital because now it is really difficult. The descent is slow “. For example “in our hospital we closed some beds but the number of patients is not what we hoped for. Last year at this time we were more relieved than now. It was difficult and still is, more and more because of the accumulated fatigue. . I am also thinking of colleagues moved from their usual settings and then, as soon as they could breathe, brought back to the areas where they have always worked “. When Covid loosens its grip, facilities must parallel raise the pace of care for other diseases. “That’s why I want to repeat it again: it’s not over for us”, concludes Falocchi.