Lodovica Comello: “I won’t be the one to lead ‘X Factor'”

Lodovica Comello will not be the presenter of the next edition of ‘X Factor’. It is the actress herself who denies the rumors that these days gave her towards the leadership of the Sky Uno talent. “These days – he says with irony on his Instagram account – I am reading a lot of rumors about the fact that I will be the one to lead the next ‘X Factor’, I wanted to tell you that it is not true, I will not be the one to lead ‘X Factor’ because I am busy to do other things, for example … to take care of my appearance! “. In the movie, the Friulian actress and presenter ‘wore’ a ‘volumizing filter’ in which she appeared with visibly altered features and a strong Spanish accent, confirming also on this occasion her unmistakable ironic and irreverent tone that over the years his huge fanbase (over 2.4 million followers on Instagram) and more.