Ukraine, Moni Ovadia: ” Anpi does not parade with NATO flags? Sacrosanct choice ”

Won’t the Anpi parade with NATO flags? “It is a sacrosanct choice because NATO is responsible for criminal wars so it is normal not to want to carry them”. Moni Ovadia speaking with Adnkronos takes the field alongside the Anpi, after the controversy arising from the positions taken by the Partisans’ Association which refuses the presence of NATO flags in the parades on 25 April and which has said that she is against sending of arms to Ukraine. Ovadia also shares the PNA’s position on sending weapons to Ukraine: “Providing weapons to Ukraine – he says – would turn against the Ukrainian people. I am interested in the victims and human beings, not politics. Israel is also against it. at sending the weapons, are they also Putin’s friends? They must stop this antics! “. On the attacks on the president of the Anpi Gianfranco Pagliarulo for some of his old posts dating back to 2014-2015 in which he spoke of ” the Nazi regime in Kiev, responsible for heinous massacres, assassinations and torture ” Ovadia continues: ” Who was Pagliarulo to having attacked ukraine? Ukraine is a sovereign state, certainly not a Nazi – he explains – but in Ukraine there are presences of Nazis. An investigation would be needed on the Azov battalion, it is a battalion that descends directly from the Nazis of the Second World War, it is an affiliation with him. The authoritative American journalist Laura Logan also said it, who traced the entire genesis of this battalion ”. For Ovadia there is only a single ” immediate ” solution to end the war: ” It is Biden who should deal with Putin, the question is between them – he continues – Biden should call Putin and tell him: ‘I am coming there and you tell me what you ask and what you give ‘. Only in this way could a ceasefire be reached ” (by Alisa Toaff)