Maestro Pappano and the Santa Cecilia Orchestra celebrate the Baroque in Piazza Navona

Maestro Antonio Pappano yesterday conducted the Orchestra of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone in Piazza Navona in Rome. An “event” concert, included in the international “Superbarocco” festival, promoted to celebrate the Genoese Baroque, one of the most splendid artistic periods for Genoa and Italy. “My musicians and I – said Pappano – are very lucky to play in such an evocative place as the Church of Sant’Agnese. Just look up to imagine that in this place music is brought to the same level as prayers”. Event concert in Piazza Navona (PHOTO GALLERY)

At 21 o’clock the notes of Vivaldi, Corelli, Händel resounded inside and outside the Church. The concert – promoted by the Webuild Group, one of the first world players in the construction of major works – was in fact screened live both on the facade of Sant’Agnese in Piazza Navona and on that of Palazzo Ducale in Genoa. “We wanted to promote the Genoese Baroque – declared Pietro Salini, CEO of Webuild – because it is a historical period of change and projection towards the future. We did it in Rome and Genoa through the beauty of music. The infrastructures and the art are there to testify that humanity is able to leave an indelible mark in history even in the most difficult moments that can be interpreted as a push towards something new and that leads us to grow “. Hundreds of people were able to attend the performance of the musicians of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia, one of the oldest musical institutions in the world. “Including all these people – continued Pappano – who followed the concert outside in Rome and Genoa is good for the music, good for the event, good for humanity, good for my musicians who know that there is a wider audience that is listening to them “. The concert that celebrated the Genoese Baroque is linked to two international exhibitions already open to the public. The first entitled “Superbarocco. Art in Genoa from Rubens to Magnasco ”, organized by the Scuderie del Quirinale, the National Gallery of Washington with the special collaboration of the Municipality and the Museums of Genoa as well as the Webuild Group; the second, “The shape of the Wonder. Masterpieces in Genoa between 1600 and 1750 ”, was instead set up in the Doge’s apartment in the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa and will be open until next 10 July.