Inps, personalized and interactive video for the Naspi project

The Naspi project, in the first phase carried out, produced the automation of the investigation process and the sending of communications, making the services more timely, effective and transparent. Communication with the user has been improved thanks to the creation of a personalized and interactive video, sent to Naspi’s earners. This is what was announced today by INPS on the occasion of the INPS press conference ‘Inclusion and Innovation: digital transformation at the service of people’. The video is customized as it changes according to the characteristics and needs of the user. From the video you can directly access the online services, learn how your allowance was calculated, what are the next steps to take and what information services are available. The video is visible on MyInps, on the IO app and through the QR-code positioned on the welcome letter that accompanies the user from the paper document to the online services. 892,201 personalized and interactive videos have already been sent and INPS is the first administration that transmits videos through App IO.