Music, ‘New Ali’, Lidia Squillaci’s new single is out

Lidia Schillaci’s new single, ‘Ali Nuove’ (Puntoeacapo / Artist First), is released on 11 June, available on streaming platforms, in digital download, on all radios and online the video of the song. An overwhelming piece, sunny and full of truly explosive energy, a piece that best draws Lidia’s interpretative skills and marks a ‘new beginning’ of the artist. Impossible to listen to ‘New wings’ by standing still. The fast-paced rhythm from the very first notes leads to dancing, involving and dragging us into a newfound happiness, through a sound inspired by the sounds of the Eighties hits. A hymn that tells of a renewed freedom, the desire to leave again towards unexplored destinations, inside and out, being together and smiling at life feeling free to be what one is, strengthened by having overcome great difficulties. Summer is coming that brings the hope of being able to start flying again towards dreams that now seemed unattainable and impossible. The message involves everyone because, after this long dark period of the pandemic, there is a need to fly towards a new life or more simply towards a new beach, a new love. The video directed by Claudio Colomba shows the beauty of Sicilian landscapes The video – directed by the Sicilian director Claudio Colomba – starring Lidia is a real short film that shows the beauty of Sicilian landscapes and lets you breathe the sense of freedom you feel in living them intensely. A journey among friends along a path that makes you discover how beautiful it is to live, enjoying the joy that comes from simple, essential moments, full of smiles, friendship and a sense of adventure. A car, friends, the road, the journey, the sea and Sicily seen from other perspectives. A radiance that visually accompanies the piece in an enthralling way. “It is a song that communicates the desire to be totally oneself – comments Lidia Squillaci – but above all it speaks of the strength found to emerge stronger than before from difficult situations. The birth of this song has something special: it was written in a period darkness and found its fulfillment when I met Pippo KaballĂ  and Enza Cirillo “. Singer, the song born after discovering that he had contracted covid “After discovering that he had contracted Covid first I, then Pippo and Enza (with whom I had been in close contact) we spent a month united by the concern of the disease – confesses the singer – A moment of restlessness that gave no space to anything but fear, after the recovery Enza made me think back to that song, to the words he had written in one go. In that text there seemed to be something magical, almost a premonition that told of the desire to run out of the house after dark and closure, feeling ready to fly away with a pair of new wings. ‘New wings’ was born – he announces – which has for us (and perhaps for everyone in a moment like this) a deeper meaning, a special energy that we feel every time we listen to it “.