Information, the seventh Dig Festival kicks off in Modena

The seventh edition of the Dig Festival kicks off in Modena, scheduled until 3 October 2021. The title of this edition is’ Unmute to put information, inquiry and point of view at the center, amplifying the many voices that for too time have been put into mute, is the goal of Dig, a non-profit association that supports investigative journalism in Italy and around the world. Dig Festival transforms Modena into the capital of investigation and reportage, welcoming the main international broadcasters and producers, freelancers, activists and journalists under attack, directors, scholars and artists, protagonists of dozens of screenings, meetings, talks, conferences, seminars and events special. From today to Sunday 1 October, the four locations of the festival – Cinema Astra, Complesso San Paolo, Collegio and the Church of San Carlo and the Open Workshop – will be spaces for meeting, exchange and networking. Hundreds of stories are told through projections open to the public, in-depth meetings with international authors and training workshops dedicated to journalists, organized with the contribution of the Order of Journalists of Emilia Romagna and valid for professional updating. The Festival starts with an intense concentration of over 80 events that are the privileged setting for the assignment of the Dig Awards, scheduled for Saturday 2 October at 9.00 pm in the Church of San Carlo. The international jury will announce all the winners of the competition categories: Investigative Long, Investigative Medium, Reportage Long, Reportage Medium and Short for the best investigations and the best reports of the year in video format (screened at the Astra Cinema during the Festival days), and Audio, category reserved for the best journalistic audio storytelling product. The ceremony will end with the assignment of the Dig Watchdog Award 2021 to those who, over the last year, fought in defense of the quality and independence of journalism and with the proclamation of the Dig Pitch, the distinctive figure of the Festival, best investigation project that will win the grant of 15,000 euros, to develop or put into production a documentary or a docuseries. There were over 200 applications, including video reports and podcasts from the main international broadcasters and independent agencies. Illustrious names are those of the jury chaired by the award-winning photojournalist Poalo Pellegrin, alongside which there are personalities of international standing: Gabriela Manuli, Andrea Scrosati, Margherita Pescetti, Juliana Ruhfus, Tim Travers Hawkins, Anne Koch, Alberto Nerazzini, Alexandre Brachet, Nils Hanson.

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