Nadef 2021, green light from the CDM: here is the draft

At the end of the Council of Ministers which approved the Update to the Def. This was reported by government sources present at the meeting. Here are the measures contained in the draft approved in the CDM. Read also “The government’s goal of vaccinating 80 percent of the population over the age of twelve with a double dose will be achieved in the next few days; over 83 percent of Italians over 12 have already received at least one dose vaccination and more than 6 percent have already been given a third booster injection. At the beginning of summer there was a resumption of infections from Covid-19, also due to the spread of the Delta variant of SARS-Cov-2, more contagious . However, in September the ‘fourth wave’ of the epidemic slowed down, and the latest data indicate less than 40 infections per week per 100,000 inhabitants “, reads the introduction accompanying the Update of the Def. From the middle of next year, thanks to the gradual return to ” normal levels of openness in social, cultural and sporting activities ” it will be possible to reach ” the pre-crisis level of quarterly GDP by the middle of next year ”. From that moment ” the phase of real economic expansion will begin, which will bring GDP and employment growth significantly above the rates recorded in the last decade ”, according to the draft. been confirmed. “The programmatic path for the three-year period 2022-2024 – reads the introduction of the Nadef – makes it possible to cover the needs for the so-called unchanged policies and the renewal of numerous measures of economic and social importance, including those relating to the health system, Guarantee Fund for SMEs and incentives for energy efficiency in buildings and innovative investments. It will also be able to implement the social safety nets reform and a first stage of the tax reform. The single universal child allowance will be paid at full capacity “, also states the draft. The Nadef” envisages a scenario of growth of the Italian economy and a gradual reduction of the deficit and public debt. focused on reducing the debt / GDP ratio “, as stated in the introduction of the draft signed by the Minister of the Economy, Daniele Franco.

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