Pensions, Durigon: “Good unions proposal for Quota 41”

“Well the proposal of the trade union platform for Quota 41”. So with the Adnkronos the undersecretary to the Mef Claudio Durigon, promotes the proposal of the unions on the post Quota 100, the pension advance scheme he himself devised and expiring at the end of the year. “We too were thinking about Quota 41, I can only agree with the trade unions’ proposal not to return to the Fornero Law”, underlines the Northern League undersecretary, explaining that “Quota 100 was born as a norm for the flexibility in exit which blocked the life expectancy provided for by the Fornero law “. Now “we await the table convened by the Minister of Labor Orlando and the proposals that will arrive”, says Durigon. “If we want to get out of the crisis triggered by Covid, we need a structural reform with a pension vision”, Quota 100 pointed to.