Typically Italian smells and anti-neuroinflammation therapy to help those who, after falling ill with Covid, have lost taste and smell. The study has now started throughout Italy, launched at the Fano hospital last November, coordinated by the team of Arianna Di Stadio, professor of Neuroscience at the University of Perugia and honorary researcher for the Neuroscience Department Quenn Square Neurology Ucl in London. The study, the first results of which were published in the scientific journal ‘European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences’, is based on the combination of a sort of ‘nasal’ physiotherapy, sniff-test, and on the administration of a food for medical purposes. special PeaLut-based products able to act on the control of alterations in the central nervous system. This recent research promises in a few months the resumption of the functions of smell and taste and helps those who – one in 10 – after contracting Covid, after many months, still suffer from the so-called anosmia and ageusia. Numerous other Italian centers are joining the experimentation protocol – the same for all the centers involved, developed in the Marche region with the enrollment of a hundred patients who presented anosmia 3-4 months after the negativization of the Covid tampon – including the San Giovanni hospital in Rome, the Humanitas in Milan, the Federico II university hospital in Naples, the university hospital in Genoa, the university hospital in Trieste, the Careggi in Florence, and the university hospitals of Sassari and Catania. “The study starts from the hypothesis, confirmed by our work and by various scientific studies, that the cause of the loss of smell affects the central nervous system – explains Di Stadio -. The virus causes neuroinflammation in the brain, as well as in the cranial nerves. with total or partial repercussions on the sense of smell and with the risk that, once the structure has atrophied, the anosmia becomes irrecoverable. This is why it is important to intervene “.” o study – continues the expert – the patients were divided into two groups, both subjected to sniff-tests to stimulate the olfactory bulb, but only one treated with PeaLut (palmitoylethanolamide co-ultramicronized with luteolin), an anti-neuro-inflammatory ultramicrocomposite and together with an antioxidant, able to repair neuronal damage. Patients treated with the PeaLut-based product recovered 100% more. “But how does the sniff-test work?” Patients have to snort pairs of specially matched odors, such as citrus and peach, coffee and chocolate or fontina and parmesan for a few seconds 3-4 times a day at different times of the day. We have chosen typical smells of our land because memory has an important impact in the rehabilitation phase – continues Di Stadio – The goal is to rehabilitate the sense of smell and at the same time stimulate the ability to distinguish different smells (discrimination), since doing so in a the second moment could be more difficult “.” The preliminary data already analyzed are promising – reports the expert – Patients with mild to moderate anosmia, combining olfactory rehabilitation with the PeaLut-based product have recovered the sense of smell almost to normality in just 30 days, patients with severe anosmia and with the disorder persisting for about 11 months in 30 days began to improve their olfactory capacity, requiring 3-6 months of treatment for a full recovery of function. The early treatment of the olfactory problem is useful to facilitate recovery and to avoid a degeneration of functionality with the passing of the months. “Patients who wish to participate in the study can send an email request to [email protected], and from here they will be directed to the nearest centers.