Inflation, from Km 0 to evening discounts: how to save on shopping

You can save money but be careful not to compromise on quality when it comes to food. It is with this premise that Federconsumatori has drawn up a sort of vademecum on the purchases of Italians, increasingly difficult these days with skyrocketing inflation, exclusively for Adnkronos. And here are all the useful tips. 1. Make a list before going shopping, to know clearly what is really necessary and to avoid impulsive purchases. Today drawing up the shopping list is easier and easier, also thanks to the support of electronic devices that help us remember what we need to buy. Plan your meals week by week, in order to buy what you need and avoid waste. 3. Organize meals also according to the products on offer in the various points of sale. By taking advantage of the offers you can save up to 30% on product costs. You can choose to shop in different supermarkets and points of sale, depending on the promotions in place. 5. Check the price per kilogram or per liter to be able to compare the cost between products of the same type and evaluate their actual convenience. 6. Take advantage of the discounts and coupons made available by the points of sale. Discounted shopping for over 65s, discounted shopping after 20.00, 20% discount one day a week: there are many strategies implemented by supermarkets to encourage purchases. 7. Opting, when possible, for purchases at Km 0, the “short chain” or the purchase of meat, dairy products, wine, vegetables and fruit directly from the producer allows savings of up to 50% compared to purchases in supermarkets. In this regard, an excellent solution is constituted by the Solidarity Purchase Groups (Gas). 8. Prefer the consumption of seasonal and local fruit and vegetables also to reduce polluting emissions for the transport of products. 9. Take advantage of the discounts that many supermarkets apply on expiring products. 10. Bring the reusable bags from home. 11. Limit the purchase of ready-to-eat foods to the bare essentials: they can represent a convenient solution in some situations but they are certainly more expensive and less healthy than fresh products. 12. If you shop for the whole family, you can make significant savings by purchasing larger packs and taking advantage of promotions on long-life product multipacks. 13. Watch out for online shopping: at times we may come across nasty surprises, enemies of our portfolio: in fact, some brands, in the absence of a product, could replace it with an equivalent one, perhaps more expensive.14. Do not get caught up in the marketing strategies put in place to attract attention and entice the purchase of “unscheduled” products. Captivating and colorful packaging, but also positioning at eye level or in strategic points are the most used techniques.