From Altroconsumo the hit of the providers, for mobile CoopVoce for streaming Netflix

Smartphones, fixed telephones, a good internet connection and streaming TV have assumed an increasingly important and central role in the daily life of consumers. These services are indispensable these days, but sometimes choosing the best provider can be complicated. Altroconsumo, with the usual annual survey on satisfaction for telecommunication service providers, reveals which are the providers who satisfy their customers the most with regard to mobile telephony, landline telephony, internet connection and streaming TV. Altroconsumo has first of all drawn up a ranking to evaluate which are the best mobile phone providers. The most popular received the title of “Recommended Provider”. To do this, the operator must have reached an index, based on overall user satisfaction, of at least 75 points out of 100. CoopVoce is awarded the title, in first place with a total score of 80 points, followed by Iliad, Spusu and I have. with a score for all 3 operators of 78 points. Immediately afterwards, Uno Mobile (77), Very Mobile (76) and Fastweb (75) qualify, always with the title of Recommended Provider. The least satisfactory services are precisely those provided by market leaders such as Vodafone, with a score of 70, Wind Tre (68) and Tim (67). On the TV streaming front, Netflix and Disney + are at the top of the list: Netflix is ​​at the top, with an overall score of 79, followed by Disney + with 77 points. With a good satisfaction rating from users we find Amazon Prime Video (74), Eurosport (71) and Sky (70). At the bottom of the ranking, in the medium satisfaction range, are Discovery + (64), Tim Vision and Infinity + (58), Vodafone TV (53) and Dazn (52). Optical In fixed telephony the best providers are those who offer optical fiber. Fastweb and Sky Wifi were awarded the “Recommended Provider” award for fixed telephony and internet, reaching 75 points with their optical fiber service. Followed by Tiscali (72), Wind Tre (70) and Vodafone (70), again with optical fiber. The ranking confirms that the type of connection makes the difference, in fact no operator with an ADSL service for home browsing reaches a good level of satisfaction. In addition, in the survey, Altroconsumo asked respondents to rate operators regarding customer service and the correctness of bills regardless of the type of service offered. It found that around a quarter of respondents are dissatisfied with their operator’s customer service. It is the telephony market leaders who finish at the bottom of the ranking for customer service: Wind Tre scores 59 points, followed by Vodafone (57) and Tim (55). At the top of the ranking we find, however, CoopVoce with 82 points, Amazon Prime Video (79), Netflix (77), Disney + and Iliad (76) and AppleTv + (75). As far as the transparency of the bill is concerned, the situation seems to be getting better, even if there is 14% of the interviewees who declare themselves dissatisfied.